sweet pork quesadillas & spicy ranch
using that awesome balsamic and honey pork we made last week, we whipped up the naughtiest version of quesadillas i've had in a long while. {yes, we pronounce the Ls at our house, just to be annoying. working?} so last week we made a BOATLOAD of pork. it was a lot....
honey chicken skewers & a kindle fire GIVEAWAY
on of the easiest grilled chicken recipes around PLUS a great kindle fire giveaway from me and my friends! thanks again for your support on my post from yesterday. it often takes a lot out of me to be that open sometimes, and it's those posts that sit in my...
to the undiagnosed moms with anxiety/depression
Because of Robin William's recent passing and the nature of his death have brought up so much discussion about depression, I have been thinking a lot about what we deal with behind closed doors. Behind the screens that we see each other through, everyone is fighting a...
The Great American BBQ {& $130 Amazon Giveaway}
welcome to the Great American Barbecue! everything you need from drinks to dessert for the perfect BBQ! {and a $130 Amazon giveaway to help you plan!} So excited to be at this virtual BBQ with some of my favorite blog friends! The Great American Barbecue is a virtual...
balsamic and honey pulled-pork sliders
the perfect mix of savory and sweet. unless you throw these on the homemade hawaiian rolls. then they are off the charts perfect... the way i was taught to meal plan {from my mother, of course} was to make 1-2 meats a week. so this meat, for example, i made 7 lbs of....
homemade hawaiian rolls copycat & a back to school GIVEAWAY
warm soft and a hint of sweet. goes with dinner.... or not... 😉 and an awesome back-to-school giveaway from Silhouette you won't want to miss! i haven't been eating many carbs lately, despite what it may look like on the blog, but i was searching through pinterest...
freebie friday | first day of school chalkboard printable signs
school hasn't started for most of california yet, there's still time to get ready! i wish oh i wish i was sending my threenager off to preschool, nay, boarding school, this year. but alas, i am not. i am just looking at all your "first day of school" pictures and...
chocolate chip cookie dough bars
don't lie. you eat cookie dough too... i'll just say it. because i know we're friends enough that you won't judge me for it. i eat cookie dough. generally by the batch when i'm pms-ing. {cause that's when NO ONE will dare stop me} i like my own oatmeal chocolate chip...
why we take walks & Bright Starts™
Reese's new toy inspired our Sunday walk. Then we realized we should be out every night with our kids because it's awesome. As a parent, it's fun to watch kids explore, to see the world through new eyes and learn. It's also fun to watch them try and try again at...
making every day a vacation
I grew up in Arizona. Summers were hot, dry, and mostly miserable. Only then, I didn't know that. When I think of summers growing up, I think of days of swimming with friends, running through sprinklers, and climbing trees to read. I think of splashing through my...

hey, i’m meg
i’m a mom of 4, and a lover of all things bright, beautiful, and COLORful! as a fitness and nutrition coach, i love helping others to reach their health goals, and i love food and renovating, whether homes or bodies.
Read more about me here
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