toasted pesto chicken salad sandwich
this recipe looked so amazing, i just had to try it! and true to meg-form, i coudn't find the recipe the day i needed it... oops. so i improvised, and we were not at all sad about this. cc, the man who formerly hated tomatoes, said it was like a caprese salad, with...
mother’s day & a HUGE birthday giveaway!
today is one of my blog friend's birthdays, {cute mandy from mandy's recipe box} and since I didn't do a giveaway on my birthday last week, i wanted to be sure i was in on this one! {note: we are launching our new brand/design//name/site next week and there will be...
sick days & swim suits
it's been a long week for us over here. after last weekend with company and a party, we apparently all got sick with nasty colds from satan... hence why i haven't done a whole lot this week. admittedly, it's been nice. i had a great birthday and friends and family...
my birthday & birthday cake {fraisier cake!}
my birthday was wonderful this year. having some family in town really helped i think. my brother, who is the male version of me in a lot of ways, made this cake for sunday dinner for us. i would like to repeat that for clarification in case you missed it: my...
one thing i want for my birthday? to go to BlogHer14!
so, today is my birthday. and i have a lot of things that i want or wish i could have. lately everything i talk about at our house has to do with the blog. we are rebranding, redesigning, we are making good food, we are building a photography business, we are...
perfect fudgy s’mores brownies
last night we threw a pretty awesome dinner party with some friends. i will share all the fun details with you soon about what we did and why it was so fun soon, but for now just know that it involved s'mores of all kinds. so i was stoked to try these... i wanted to...
hawaiian pineapple glazed chicken skewers
for our "chicken & veggies" night this week, we tried these yummy hawaiian chicken skewers. we are HUGE fans of grilled pineapple, so i knew it couldn't go horribly wrong, and i really love the idea of basting and carmelizing, rather than having to remember to...
piña colada {coconut cream} trifle dessert
i love getting the dessert assignment for sunday dinner... and all week i was craving this fruit dip that my girl amber made and i was dying to throw it in a trifle... i love trifles for some reason... and i have had one as my birthday cake for the last few years...
10 easy ways to have a marriage that rocks
When we were married, we were told it is our job to sort through the advice and choose what is best for us. Our families took that to heart and still often says things like “I know we are not supposed to give you advice, but….” and we have to remind them: We like...
jeff + annie | married
my favorite thing about shooting a wedding is getting to know the cute couple. it is, after all, their day, and they hired me to be there for all of it, but i love making friends, and i love a good story... and since cc and i were able to shoot this one together,...

hey, i’m meg
i’m a mom of 4, and a lover of all things bright, beautiful, and COLORful! as a fitness and nutrition coach, i love helping others to reach their health goals, and i love food and renovating, whether homes or bodies.
Read more about me here
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