meet calli & trent

oh the day we had yesterday in the HAIL stormwedding. it was crazy, and i can’t wait to edit those photos…they were awesome.we had lots of fun shooting some bridals with them before the dayso they could have a few to have at the reception…these are a...

blenders & ladders

when we got married, {just shy of 3 years ago}cc’s parents gifted us a washer and dryer,because at that point, we were talking about buying a house.{what everyone does in arizona….}and because they are rad. then we moved.and the washer and dryer stayed...

soaking it in

for documentation purposes,honeymoon 2 also included a vacay day preceding and following the actual vacation.this of course so we could go to the park and fly kites…and then proceed to recreate our own wedding cake instead of bust a nasty frozen carbon copy.that...

mc [squared] – 1 year down

may 23, 2009really?this was a whole year ago!the giddy 12-yr-old smile i couldn’t shake?the absolute peace in going forwardthe serious fun-having with the best friend…the happiness that so many of our families could see it happen may 24, 2009um… lets...

utah wedding of joy

one day, while blissfully engaged,this favorite roommate called me to tell me she was happy for me…yadda yadda,and oh, btw, dating someone!!i cried just thinking about it.partly cause i am a big baby,but mostly cause i am so glad she is so stinkin happy.[what...