what i would do different…

almost 6 months into this mom-dom,and i have already sat myself down to have a post mortem. when #2 comes around {not for a while, obviously}i am going to try to:- be slightly less OCD about things like my child getting hooked on a pacifier to sleep with.  cause,...

denial is not a river in Egypt

i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i am not OCD. i...