today and always

i wanted to take photos of my kid when he was 18 months.{he is now days from 20 months…so mom-fail to begin with} and being that i am a photographer, i figured that should be no big deal, right?and since i had a little nook in which to take great fall photos, no...

you don’t suck

listen here, girl.yes you, the one that just got done reading four hundred blogs and spent four hours pursuing pinterest of crafty things and amazing photos of things you wish you thought of first and decor you can’t replicate, or for that matter,...

foto friday finale – it’s about time

the theme for this week,the final week, 52/52 weeks, is time.i will admit, part of me thought, “it’s about time!” cause some weeks were more challenging on my creative juices…but then, as i thought about time all week,i just thought about how...