the part we’ll remember

in pencil skirts and power shoes, we clifford girls filed into a full chapel.many relatives, neighbors, former colleagues, church members, and friends.amazing speakers,great storiesfor a dear old man.a retired veteran and firemanmeans the circumstance comes with...

foto friday… or saturday

the theme was “sign”last night cc’s grandpa passed. he was 91.he lived to see all of his children become grandparents.married to his sweet wife for over 70 years, and he was such a sweet man.this is the first of four of cc’s...


you know the drill.sunday comes,you have an outfit in mind, for sleep the perfect amount, for once.not too late, but plenty of time to get it all better half woke me up showered and dressed,ready to be dad while i got ready for 8:30 church.after...

foto friday: love

this week, the theme is appropriately, love.i could take a picture of many things that would fall under this umbrella. many.i could snap another cute picture of my kid, but that’s a given…i could try to fenagle cc into some creative idea that captures all...

words i needed to hear…

every once in a while {every time}, conference will make me feel like i am the only one in the room. like it was meant for just me.of course, i know that is selfish, but this talk was something i needed to hear. he said “don’t forget to be happy...