
i made this little humble decoration yesterday cause i was feeling like we were missing something….i didn’t know that it would be my reminder today.i have never been more grateful to see the sun.never more grateful for the last 1.5 hours of sleep…it...

turning into my moms…

yes, moms.exhibit a} when i realized i had some fabric, and that it was girly,and that a girlfriend was having a baby girlfriend soon, i went for it.{this is one of those patterns that looks like a lot more work than it is. and i love that.} i think i’ll call it...

{little} man vs. food

he came…he conquered…doc said we could wait until 5 months unless he was waking up to eat.{since he’s been sleeping like a champ}and guess what we did all last week…so we are eating now. i am itching to make some real food product for this guy....