a dandy lady

my granny passed almost exactly 10 years ago.i have been thinking lots about her lately.because my mom and sister are here for the week,we curled up together and read her life story on her birthday{2 days ago}.we cried. we laughed. we learned. “I have had a...

family foto dilemma

i am usually the one to take the fotos. which presents a problem when i need to be in them… and since i am a little bit OCD about wanting to shoot in manual,it means i have to set up the shot, balance for light, then hand it over and hope the light doesn’t...

stars and stripes forever

a foto recap of the hottest weekend of my life.dear arizona,knock it off.ps,home is where you don’t wake up sweating.{i should needlepoint that on a pillow. wait – what’s needlepointing?}we went to the cabin. which should have been cooler. hint: it...

48-hour GIVE-AWAY!

in honor of this cute bump that will soon fit right back into skinny jeans,{and whose water just broke this morning!}we are going to play along. my brother tells me,”i bet you can’t guess his name”so here goes:if you do actually guess the baby...