anxiety of the momdom – a soap box

lets just say it: moms are intense. {me = high on that list} but when i signed up for this job i didn’t realize all of the pressure that comes with it from the mom-dom.  i knew i would at some point feel stresses, and hit the wall and not know what to...

californian anniversary

it has been one year that we have lived here in cali,from the day we arrived and slept on a mattress in the family room. i have to admit, i don’t know if i will be able to go back to that hot and icky placeand when this is where we live, it makes it pretty...

i solemnly swear i am up to no good

rad foto, no?i know i am not alone in saying this is a bittersweet day.we grew up with these guys, and they grew up in robes.and without them, what would we talk about after thanksgiving dinner or all through christmas when we always seem to want to watch every...

reasons i love summer – SYTYCD

we heart this show.there are only a  few of these talent shows i have to last night, after we finally got B down, and post workout, i was lamenting that we were going to miss it…so we cuddled up @ 11pm to watchSo You Think You Can Dancewhich...