i didn’t realize, when i booked the trip,
but this week’s foto friday is travel.
cause that is exactly what i am up to.
full report to come, but here are a few of my favorite shots from yesterday.
we visited lots of san francisco in one day and accomplished a lot of unnecessary shopping,
and ate really good food, and saw a pretty funny show.
and we went to chinatown.

the awesome things that have happened in 1 day here in the san fran:

– serenaded by a one-toothed street performer all the way to our hotel.  he asked if we would adopt him and assured us he wouldn’t need to eat much. what with the 1 tooth n all.
– passed a man holding his art who literally said, “buy my art. pretend you’re open-minded.”
– lots of girls wearing tights. as pants. ew.
– witnessed a zombie walk/photo shoot outside our window.
– performance cellist in the subway.  DC just had tone-deaf singers and tappers.
– a toddler with a 6-inch deadly mohawk. pushed in a stroller of course by his orange-haired mom.
– and this:

we love this place.
check out my travel-wizard friends and see what their up to!