this one time i came home
to see my sister in a show

it was a secret and it was halloween.

mom told me i needed to bring a date…
and that i should probably be social on halloween

though i never ask men out
cause my dad trained me not to,

i picked up the phone,
and too scared to call, i texted this guy:

who surprisingly enjoyed the show.

he’s indiana jones here if you can’t tell and think he is just a lazy cop-out dresser upper.

he kind of is though.

the funny part:

zero chemistry on this date,
as much as i wished there was.

maybe it’s cause we’re not really huge party people,
maybe it’s cause 10.31.2007 was just a 1.5 years too soon to try out the mc[squared] idea…

either way,

this remains the only picture we own of the two of us before this year.
and stands as proof that he was doing me a huge favor.

his face is priceless.

love you kiddo.
can’t wait to see the annually creative cowboy get-up again. 😉