last night was girls camp kick-off,
and we faithful leaders, drove our girls over,
expecting a meeting, maybe some instructions…
but nothing like we found in seussical land…
every inch of the place was covered in color,
 leaving every young girl, in quite the fun wonder.
we wandered among the truffela trees.
finding colorful treats to stuff our small {not mine} bellies…
ok, enough rhyming now i mean it…
{oh go ahead… “anyone wanna peanut!”}
i couldn’t believe this bash they threw last night.
the young girls who have never been to girls camp,
i’m sure tinkled in their pants like i did.
from the treats, to the decorations…
i was just ticked no one told me there would be such a fanfare
or i would have brought the real camera!
{these are all iphone…}
the pink ink yink drink was made with sprite and rainbow sherbet,
{what we, at our house call the rainbow bomb…}
these fizz-ma-wiz sneedles
were lovingly made by one we know bakes a storm in her kitchen…
by coloring all different kinds of sugar cookie dough, twisting them together,
then coiling like so to make the lollipop look…
  annnd, naturally, they were scrumptious.
the walls were striped, with lanterns hanging, and a banner to circle the hall with prints from seuss books on fabric sheets!
the details, like this cute kite… killin me ladies…
i would blame pinterest for this bash of fun,
but was told the handful of ladies in charge,
have been doing this creative stuff for years…
they watched a cute video to announce the theme made by the older girls,
then the girls played fun games…
like the one where they call “hop on pop” and you have to find a partner and jump on their back…
or they’ll call “1 fish 2 fish!” and you have to find 2 others to be your “tank” to swim in….
i about died.
i remember the fun days of girls camp,
and all the hilarious memories i made with friends i still have….
and the great spiritual lessons we gained from
 spending time away from home…
i just wish i wasn’t going to be huge when they go, so i could sneak in with them,
girls camp will be a blast!