on thursday i woke up at 5 am after a random dream, and i just stared at the ceiling and smiled/sort of giggled thinking about my shower…

i was unfocused all day long due to looking/sharing engagement pictures and thinking about shower…

this though, was breathtaking.  

this was the gift of the night. they loved it.

my freakin cute mother-in-law to be.

how many showers have i gone to without ever thinking that one day i would get one.  silly that its a big deal to me.  but it is.  i loved every minute of catching up with friends and all the cute green and black

long story short: my mother has the most amazing friends. 
which means that i get to reap the benefits.  

again, i’m not worthy.

the kitchen aid though.  i cried.

thanks all, it was a perfect evening.