now that i have been here a while, 
i can say i have learned a few things…
the guy i dated right out of high school told me that 
“marriage isn’t supposed to be easy. 
it should be hard work.”
i know that that guy and his happy little family 
are very glad that he was wrong.  
being married is way easier than dating 
and all of the drama of roommates…etc. 
this is like dating the coolest guy on the block, 
and hanging out with your favorite roommate. every day.

somewhere in the recesses of my brain i thought that i would get married and 
stop having fun at some point… like we would someday get to the point 
where we don’t say cute things 
or like to spend time hanging out….or stop getting ready to go out….

i would rather hang out with this kid than do anything. 
and i find myself putting make-up on before he comes home, 
and staring out the window until he gets here…
i had heard that men can’t change…
but my man now recycles all on his own. 
and he is a friend to apple products. he even owns them.
before i got married, and even now, when i say,
“my in-laws are coming into town.” or “i want to have my mother-in-law there
when we find out the gender…”  i get looks of disdain, because everyone knows
“mother-in-laws [or in-laws in general] 
are supposed to be evil.”

ouch. that hurts me. 
i purposely chose this man because
a) i was crazy about him.
b) his completely drama-less family.
that i can’t get enough of.
i dated long and hard to find one, but it can be done.
i also thought it would take a long time to feel this way…
it didn’t.

i thought i would have to grow up 
 and be an adult when i got married…
i guess i am lucky.
i get to giggle all night
with a large plastered smile on my face.
a sleepover with my best friend.
every day.

don’t mind the prego butt.
 {i love how if i make him carry my purse, he must hold it like a man…}