we watched the middle last night…
franky is all excited to go to a halloween party with adults…
and tries to con mike into actually dressing up…
within the first few minutes
i was sitting on the other side of the couch
with a scowl on my face as every minute of my future sank in.
mike just stood on the dance floor and wouldn’t dance.
see, this is my life.
i come from a long line of costume makers and wearers…
everyone else seems to have married one for party going….
my man loves coming home and watching modern family
and eating ice cream out of the carton.
which, admittedly is exactly why i married the guy-
that’s just what my dad would do…
but halloween is one of those times that i get all amped up 
to do something hilarious and couples-like
and what does he want to be?
“no, you can’t be a cowboy again. 
and no indiana jones doesn’t count…again.”
yes, this is cc and i on a date i conned him into about 2 years before we actually dated. notice he only changed his shoes…
to make matters worse- i have a cute little belly bump…
when is that gonna happen again on halloween…?!
we couldn’t do anything creative to celebrate the hilarity of this?!!
like the classic baker and the bun-in-the-oven gag?
the priest and nun?
and we will be on the road anyway, so what does it matter.
woe is me.
[the foto stands as possibly the last time we will be dressed up for halloween at all… 
until i force him into some father-son get-up that he can’t squirm his way out of.]