this week’s theme is reflection.
i’m glad we finally got up the nerve
to go night shooting.
once B fell asleep in his stroller, 
we were giddy little geeks
we live next door to the most fabulous park that is acres and acres of beauty
and at night it comes alive.
the light kept changing, 
the fog would come and go,
the cars would drive by at different speeds…
and with a tripod and a remote
lots can happen…

30 second shutter
125 ISO
Auto WB

This is what it literally looked like…

30 second shutter
125 ISO
White Florescent WB

172 sec shutter
125 ISO
Florescent WB

member the 80s?
all those bad wedding fotos…
kind of like that…

cc wrote that,
with a flashlight

and just as we were leaving
{B woke up screaming}
the fog rolled in thick and you couldn’t see much…
cc snagged this one…

what a fun date!
it made me realize how lucky i am to be married to
a guy who gets into stuff with me…

and how much we are going to miss our huge park…

and now i am so excited to get to a “big city”
and go take in the night life…
foto style.

be sure to go check out what the other ladies 
are reflecting on today…