This IKEA toddler bed hack for a cute headboard was so easy, it is disgusting. We had fun throwing this together and my daughter loves it! The bed was super cheap and will still last for years because it’s a great size for a toddler bed!

IKEA toddler bed and DIY headboard

First off, I am a big fan of IKEA hacks. I think it’s silly to spend so much money on kid furniture that will be upgraded in just a few years, and yet, I really wanted her bed to look a little more put together than a plain little toddler bed.

We started with the SNIGLAR Bed from from IKEA, for $69. I couldn’t even find a used one locally for better than that! All of the beds at IKEA are sturdy and well priced, so this IKEA toddler bed was all we needed. Having a good headboard makes such a difference. The ikea headboard on this one was pretty basic to start, so the upgrade was necessary!

IKEA Toddler Bed…

We first assembled the bed completely. This IKEA toddler bed comes with a side rail, which we didn’t keep on it, but if you plan to use it, I would attach it now as well. I sprayed the whole bed in an off white (Antique White) and then found a fabric for the headboard that was slightly off white to match.

SNIGLAR IKEA toddler bed hack DIY headboard


I searched pinterest for the shape of headboard that I liked, because there are so many options, and I love this shape for a toddler bed. My drafting husband was excited to help with the wood part and he used his nerdy engineering skills to draw a completely symmetrical design and then cut it with a jigsaw. The wood is exactly the same width of the bed frame, and sits about 6 inches above the existing frame.

IKEA Toddler Bed DIY Tufted Headboard IKEA Toddler Bed DIY Tufted Headboard IKEA Toddler Bed DIY

I had him draw me dots in perfect squares, as shown, and then pre-drill them with a tiny bit.

DIY Toddler bed tufted headboard IKEA hack 2

Get out your thimble…

I used a white thin canvas material, so it felt kind of like upholstery but would be easy to manipulate. Cover batting and staple the fabric to the back. {For the deeper, more dramatic tufted look, you need to use foam and cut holes in the foam before adding the buttons.} Because we pre-drilled the holes, it was easy to attach the buttons. Sew them on at all of the holes, using a wider/flat button on the back and the covered/pearl button on the front {Use upholstery thread for this and attach both buttons via one hole}. If you were attaching this headboard to a frame, you could cover the back with a thin piece of plywood in the same shape to cover the staple/fabric mess in the back.

I think the change adds the perfect amount of whimsy and takes the “kid-look” out of the cheaper furniture. With the table and mini shelves {also from IKEA}, we were really proud of our quick projects. This IKEA toddler bed is one of my favorite little upgrades in her room!

DIY tufted headboard IKEA hack-3

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If you decide to make this, tag me on instagram @colormemeg and let me know!

DIY tufted headboard for a toddler bed. IKEA hack!