he will come home from a 12-hour day at work and plop down with his ipad. 
away he will go, whizzing through pages of information and bits of data on that magical screen, while i do whatever mom thing i was sweating through when he walked through the door… {which sometimes includes holding his child in his face until he remembers he has one… ok, maybe that’s only when he’s holding the first-born: the iPad}

with b in his lap, or asleep in his bed, he will patiently nod and genuinely smile  as i pour over my current dreams to create a “real” home.  i cuddle under his arm as i delicately explain the things i would paint on canvas, the paint colors i would use in our bedroom… i even include all of the things made of wood i can think of to have him dream up for me in his fancy shop he will have some day….that usually makes him smile.

he will ask questions for clarification. add more ideas even. he really is interested, you see.

in the very moment i finish designing/dreaming, the ipad is on and the twinkle in his eye perks up. he was waiting for his turn.  latest obsession: car overhaulin. 

{as he giddily swipes through pictures and pictures….}
something something cars… something something… really cheap…
something something torque and engine and cylinders…
something something… really sexy car, right?

“yes, sweetheart.”

see, so that’s why we need a house.

“i thought you wanted a shop… for wood-type things…. you know, all those expensive tools you have collected over the last 10 years…?”

dear future, 
hurry up.