ten years ago today…

i was getting ready to go to school. my dad was in the tv room and called me in to see.on the news we watched one tower burn.at first, i thought maybe it was supposed to happen. like maybe they were rebuilding it and therefore tearing it down. then it occurred to me:...

things i {will} miss…

hearing you sing, “whoah-oh wait a minute mister boss-man” to my little guy…the hilarity of dating – a la maddi + your sister’s tact {and all of the stories}your tender heart {i.e. waterworks}hearing you talk about working with SPED with...

GIVE-AWAY {slash award} WINNERS!

watch the video to hear the news:News UPDATE – Maddi opens her mission call from Meg Clifford on Vimeo.{yes, it’s from our view. and yes i should have muted it.}Congratulations!!!cammacis the winner!and the drawing, {done by random.org}is chris!send...

GIVE-AWAY ends tonight!

this, just in.be sure to make your guesses {if you haven’t already} on this post here to be eligible for the $20 itunes card!no guesses will be taken past 7:30ish pm MST {when the deed will go down.}remember 2 guesses, 2 separate posts. {+1 extra for the...

i HEART conference

watching conference was inspiring {as always}but when cc came home from priesthood meeting with a great quote from pres. monson’s talk, i just wanted to make something. get it out of my system, if you will.”choose your love, love your...