hearing you sing, “whoah-oh wait a minute mister boss-man” to my little guy…
the hilarity of dating – a la maddi + your sister’s tact {and all of the stories}
your tender heart {i.e. waterworks}
hearing you talk about working with SPED with that heart wide open
your love of truth and right
your style sense, and therefore mine…
finding you asleep on your knees in the morning
waking up @ 4 on christmas morning out of “habit”
your matter-of-fact-ness 
the way you defend the people you love {everyone you know}
your cheesy little “abrev”s like “totes” and “hilar”
hearing you sing
your get-r-dun tude toward goals once you set em…

you are going to be one hell heck of a missionary.

thanks for coming to play with me this week before you leave in 20 days for 1.5 years*.
my heart aches already…

*for more info on why we 
mormons go on missions, go here.