the naughty award-winning butter dinner rolls

    these naughty butter rolls are usually my contribution to a holiday meal.  i don’t mind making them, though in large quantities, it is a bit of time… but mostly cause it means i get to be the one to eat half of them while hot, rub in all the extra...

yummiest mint oreo krispies

 we had the full meal-deal yesterday at my aunts house for st patty’s day.she made the corned beef and cabbage and it was delightful.i found some yummy irish soda bread at the bakery and we all loved that’s fun to have random holidays to eat...

almond mandarin salad

salad is something we are working on this year. well, veggies in general. my aunt and mother make tons of amazing salads and have them with every meal. my uncle always says that the vegetable should be the first part you think up, then plan the meal around it. and...

foto friday features {from week 2}

here are some of my faves from last week’s foto fridaythanks so much for coming!be sure to stop by this week’s foto fridayand enter the ipad mini giveaway!!·······················these super cute reindeer floats,genius! and what a festive foto, right?from...

jalapeno cilantro hummus

for some reason i was really intimidated by hummus. and yet, it’s something we buy, nearly every time we go to the store. our absolute favorite hummus of all time is the jalapeno cilantro hummus that we get a trader joes. you will not have a better hummus,...

guilty pleasures? i’ve got 20…

i’m a little late, i know.but the truth is i have been on vacation…all summer really, but for the last while, just gone.more on that later, but for now, a huge guilty pleasure of mine.i have many things one might call “guilty pleasures” but i...