frabjous weekend in LA

we settled in to LA for a few nights to go to this pretty placethat is now 2.5 hours away from us! [pout]it was only open for a few hours on sat due to the women’s conference.(please, i know i am looking large.)and upgrade!we got to hang out with these cute...

baby update – 14 weeks

as you can see,baby is deciding to say hi to the world.rob wanted to practice using his new cameraso we took him to our park.the 153 acres parked just next to home.we have a private entrance…highlights from this week:~crying for about 10 minutes becausecc helped...

cronies and foodies unite

i had some visitors this weekend.rob, my brotherand maddi, my is her birthday next week so we wanted to make it uber fun.[please, not like it wouldn’t be anyway. look at these peeps!]saturday night,[whilst we fancied ourselves to the 55 inches of my...


i spent last week in st george to help with a film.jake is brilliant to watch (he co-produced the film),and peg was the food service queenso naturally, everyone turned out to help.i was supposed to leave thursday night,but then i found out this GQ was coming…i...

crafty craft service mom and her big break

today is my mother’s birthday!she’s like 40 something (cough…)and this is what she looked like yesterday on her big break:peg is in san jorge to help with a film my brother is doing.and by help, i mean she is the craft service queen.for those of you...