
makes me so is so great when the weekend gets to feel like such a took friday off {cause these parentals were in town}  and we did a whole lotta playing…then we met up with my parents at one of the coolest beaches in the central...

baths and baby butts

this little guy has a favorite time of day…he doesn’t even mind that we lay him right on the counter with the cookbooks… he even likes when i SAY “bath…”i’d say that’s one happy little dude.

santa barbara

is a place we love.we decided we needed a family “outing”and SB was just the thing.our 2 main goals were to get chris new sunglasses and to get me some candy…check and check. i even got new sunglasses too!its hard to avoid shopping in SB so we...

one month

i can’t believe you have already been here a one whole month!sometimes it feels like it has been years, and then there are moments that i worry this babysitting job is going to have to end sometime, and you will have to go back to your real parents.lucky for me,...

big red family

week 2 of mayhem brought us the whole clifford clan  {+ a maddi} watching your big brother be a dad for the first time is priceless, i know… {especially when he can practically palm his own kid…and truly gets peed on nearly every time he...

gratefully green

this is normally one of my favorite days of the year.ya know, cause of my obsession with green…but today was slightly a sad day.  we had to say goodbye to g-ma moffati am usually pretty independent and proud and i didn’t think i would want my mom...