on raising southern gentlemen

 “mama? dance?”why of course, whenever you say.”mama? apple joose. peeze?”sure. {well, if you must say it like that…}he sits patiently beside me in the morning while i work,and he’ll watch a show of his choosingand share a...

christmas came and went

i’m sad it’s over, to be honest.it is always sad when it’s over.december is the only time we get to spend money with abandon{and then cry in january when we see the damage}and when we truly get to spend quality time with our peeps we love.as...

dear moms of CT,

i’ve been super emotional this week after hearing about the tragedy in Connecticutand I’ve been thinking of all of those mothers who haven’t slept nights.and how they can breathe. the ones who are going to have a very very hard christmaswithout the...