my little girl is done with boobies

at 4 months, i was told this little girl was in the 8th percentile.not that i worried. she was healthy, and happy.she was initially sleeping very well. like 9-11 hours at 2-ish months…and somewhere around 3 or 3.5 months, she was a newborn again at night.every...

reese’s amazing quilt

i have a mom who quilts. i have quilted a little here and there, but this woman is the queen. she makes on average maybe 3-5 quilts a month, goes to quilt group with her quilting friends, mails these guys off to be quilted, and gives the expensive, gorgeous,...

instaweekend & a 2 month old

we hit 2 months yesterday.the days are flying much faster this time around,we had so much fun with all the grandparents in town.the g-pas met reese for the first time, so it was a fun reveal.we took cc’s parents to the beach to watch the sunset after a long day...