anyone who says boys are more fun to dress up than girls is probably lying.
we are having way too much fun. 

last week i was at the beach with family, and we couldn’t get over this little girl in a suit.

then reese’s {surrogate} aunt sent over these freakin cute maxi skirts…
she was such a hit on sunday. sometimes i put one on her sometimes just to feel fancy for the day…

then we went to beach day with the girlfriends,
the last one of the summer since school starts on monday.

so we squished into the other teeny tiny suit, complete with baby cleavage.
my personal favorite.

i dragged my girlfriend candice along with me, since she’s never been, and she tanned right up.
then she moved to portland.

we went out to dinner with these cute friends one last time last night and i cried all the way home.
why do my favorite people always have to be so far from me??