or 0.33, if i get asked.
4 months ago today we were holding 7 lbs.
 today its more like 13 lbs 13oz.
4 months ago this little froggy was only 19.5″, now 23″…
apparently we are underweight right now cause we are so active,
 i am sure that’s temporary… unless he gets his dad’s genes for good…

these fotos really capture our day yesterday.
this little dude was a champ.
i hate shots. hate them.
but with some pre-medication, B did great.
in the last month,
B has really opened up.
he laughs at almost everything i say or do now, 
which makes him loads of fun to take out and about.
and does great things for my ego.
he is going to be a social guy too.
he pretty much flirts with everyone.
couldn’t tell you where that comes from…
he sleeps good and eats good, almost too good…
we may need to do some solids soon to keep up with him…
good thing too cause i am so ready for baby food season.
we live in the best farmer’s market area,
and there is a lot of good stuff in season i can’t wait to puree…
4 months is already becoming my favorite.