10 things that make my day 10x better…

1. waking up to a clean kitchen. if i can go to bed without a dish in the sink-i wake up happy. in fact, i can’t sit and truly relax until the dinner mess is gone. cause i know tomorrow will make me want to kill small rodents just looking at the tragically...

staycations are my new justin bieber

there is something to be said about the freedom of leaving and getting out of town to be alone and disconnected and free and enjoy the quietness of boredom with people you love…but lets get real: that almost never happens.when we do “vacate” it means...

foto friday {week two}

truth is: retro was hard at first.i could only picture mini coopers everywhere in bright colors.{that, i will blame on cc and his buddy’s mini he drove around for a week.}its all the talk at our house, {meaning, 95% of the talk at our house}so when we saw a cute...