my status…

school. over. tears? yes. (video/pictures to come…they are good…)job? nope. looking? not really…well, just not right now…mac and I’s relationship? not good…in fact, i am using another mac at the current looking better...

i love people who love their jobs

metro driver/voice dude – going on the blue toward franconia springfield he says, “fran-cónia sprangfeeyuld….” in this almost southern drawl… if it is real, that’s awesome. but i like to believe that it is a very happy black man...

my new love affair: paul newman

the other day we watched cat on a hot tin roofi am slightly angry that no one told me of this man’s existence.(ok, that’s not fair, you did tell me. in fact, he’s been all over.i guess i never knew of this man’s existence when he looked LIKE...

know how i know it snowed? my google theme…

on saturday, i checked my email that looked like this…then i went outside to verify.and it was right!!! i have never been more excited to see snow…maybe its cause it doesn’t seem as cold as utah and it doesn’t snow as you can have time...