at our house, we realize that valentine’s gifts are usually small, usually sentimental {but not always}, and not the over-the-top gifts like christmas, or the super over-the-top AND sentimental like anniversaries… and not even like birthdays, which are often practical, something you ask for…
so doing something small, yet meaningful, especially for a man who truly has everything he needs, is tough. the man in my house has made a few purchases and received a few great gifts in the last while that are definitely things i think lots of men would enjoy and would be perfect as valentine gifts… or really gift ideas for any occasion in which you are stumped. cause men are hard to shop for.
1. first and foremost, i just have to share dollar shave club. i don’t care if you have a super high maintenance dude, or if he hardly shaves cause he hates it, you gotta check this out. these guys are comedic geniuses, and literally award winning marketers. every thing that comes in the mail from them makes ME smile… basically: cheaper razors sent to your door. buy 2 handles and share. see? that’s romantic, right? cheap and easy? {i recommend the $6/month ones. they’re perfect. and we ALWAYS have tons, even though we just get the 1 cartridge/month}. now go watch the videos on their site immediately and be sure to wear a diaper. they are pretty funny!}
2. men like chocolate too! i put together this little strawberry rose bouquet for my milk chocolate fan cause it’s one of his favorite things, ya know to dip stuff in chocolate… and it’s kind of a fun romantic evening to have a mini fondue moment… i’m sure you can dream up the rest of the evening on your own without help right? 😉 mmkay. if you give this to someone you might not be sharing it with, maybe leave directions for how to melt the chocolate in another dish…etc. and these little chalkboard stickers you can grab at michaels. or hobby lobby. or even amazon. easy peasy. a little cellophane and a little washi tape and some chalk to say something sassy… do it.
3. for the techy nerds {mine is so techy nerdy.} this little car mount is super cool. it has a tiny round magnetic pad that fits inside his case and sticks to the back of the phone that is magnetized so you just hold it up there and it stays. it’s pretty cool! i would say get a mount, AND a new cool case like this one: bonus: red! {just make sure the case is thin-ish so the magnet can work through it, or you’ll have to put it on the outside of the case- not as cool}
4. for those who cook…or grill {or know where to pick up good take out}. make up an elegant menu and stay in for the night. candles, dessert, the works. i can’t say we’ve ever done that, and he would love it.
maybe as a gift to go with his amazing meal, you might like to whip up a sweet apron like this one and give him a grillin gadget, if he’s into that… cute idea, right?
5. for a money guy: this may sound weird, but pre-order him a coin. it’s a card that can be programed to hold all of his cards credit cards, debit cards…etc. it used to be the thing to buy a guy a nice money clip or wallet. this one card is so sexy, he won’t need one. my dude has been geeking out about this for a while, he would LOVE it! cool huh? AND, it can be connected to your phone, so you will never leave it behind somewhere. super nerdy cool.
6. for the music guy: concert tickets. either surprise him and go to a show, or gift him tickets for another night. we went to a concert while we were dating ON valentines, and when we got back to the car, tickets to rascal flatts were on my seat! we’ve loved concerts of artists we both love. if you buy them now for later in the year it’s cheaper AND something fun to look forward to. and who DOESN’T want to go see bruno mars live after yesterday- hint hint! 😉
7. nerdy guys, or guys who like to have fun, might like this one… i just got this ridiculous fun game for my husband and we play it, just us, at least 3 nights a week… sounds so nerdy, and i might be losing you cause you think we are going to go all dungeons and dragons on you, but it’s lots of fun! get Dominion
here. we have friends over and play, and you can collect other sets to expand {i’d say go with this one here
}. if not this game, find another that is fun for a crowd AND just 2 so that you and the man can have legit play time. so. much. fun.
8. and then there are accessory dudes. the kind that really would love and use a new cool watch. in which case, i think a nikon watch like this one is pretty awesome. large, chunky, matte finish. perfect.
9. another phone gadget, i know, but this is just genius! this is an external battery pack charger. so you won’t need an outlet. if you are travelling, or just out and about a lot, this guy would be super nice to have around. and it charges 2 at once. so your devices can be connected and in love too. {see what i did there…?}
10. and lastly, i’m sure you’ve seen something like this before, but this is just cute.
for you ambitious DIYers, a cute mustache mug, or write a song lyric or phrase that means something to you both, and bake it to seal it. personal, functional, and super cute. your mom would be so impressed. click on the image to see some other cute ideas {and the site where i found these.} she does some serious cute things. makes me want to run to ikea and make a whole set of cute hand-stenciled and drawn dishes!
linking up to any of these parties