since cc had friday off, and mom was in town, 
we figured we should probably take B out to pick his first punkin.
we went to our favorite place to get fresh stuff:
avila barn.
not only do they have acres of pumpkins you can choose from
{that you get to by hayride}, 
but stacks and stacks of all the colors of the seasonal gourds 
amid the various other fresh local fruits and veggies.
there is also a store with cute cute old fashioned toys and candy 
and drool-worthy kitchen dishes and decor…
naturally, its the MIL’s favorite place to go.
B picked one he liked and promptly tested it for ripeness
 our family of pumpkins would look perfect on a doorstep….
if we were allowed to put them there…
this place also has the cutest old fashioned ice cream shop we like to frequent, but we didn’t get any because we had recently binged like college girls
 at our new favorite place rancho nipomo.
a bit schizo… 
yummy barbeque, yummy homestyle,
and yes, i can’t believe i am sayin it, yummy mexican.
{don’t worry, arizona. still got nothin on you.}
though the barn is 2 minutes from the beach, we went the next day…
such a fun week. 
and i think i am barely back to my pre-MIL-visit weight.