of course, the reason we got ourselves to DC was the best reason of all: my last of 4 brothers finally got married.

about. freaking. time.rob wedding in DC 1

the day was beautiful, they looked great, and everything was a little more emotional than i expected, so it was a very sweet day for us all to be a part of.

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the best part of the day was of course being with all my siblings, in one place. something that, because of being spread across 3 states, almost never happens.

and lets be clear, i really really like my siblings/their spouses. they are some of the most fun humans you’ll ever meet.



we are emotional, passionate, and outgoing people and we make for some pretty great friends. rob and i are probably the closest. and probably because he’s the most like me. he’s 8 years older, but we talk nearly 2-3 times a week and he kept me in the loop on all of the good stuff while he was dating his new bride, courtney.

here’s a few photos from the day from MY camera…

{in other words, i wasn’t the photographer and these are in no way the official awesome photos they’ll get from the chick they paid to do that…and there aren’t as many with in-laws because we were all in those, so no one to take them…}

IMG_0152all my siblings {minus rob who was getting ready}

IMG_2583the dress i designed to wear that day. it will soon be available at color me apparel

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this suit looked fabulous on him. it was custom made for him. his name is even stitched inside…

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 we sat together and ate tons of pasta and listened to the couple and the parents talk and we all cried and laughed…


because someone at church came up to meet courtney at church where my mom attends and said, “i just had to come meet you and ask, was it worth the wait?”

the newlyweds had a “bit” of sorts about this being “worththewait” and how long they really have waited…

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“we’ve been dating for over 20 years! some of our friends have kids who are grown up and getting married…. WHOLE HUMANS HAVE BEEN CREATED AND GROWN UP TO BE ADULTS…. WHILE WE’VE BEEN WAITING!!”

they gave out #worththewait shirts and it was a super awesome wedding gift. now i get to wear it and tell their story. genius evil plan, guys.

we laughed hard and i loved every minute of it. these two are so great for each other for many reasons, and it most definitely was worth the wait.

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as she said that night, “i’d do it all over again of course… just maybe a fast pass!”