there is something to be said about the freedom of leaving and getting out of town to be alone and disconnected and free and enjoy the quietness of boredom with people you love…

but lets get real: that almost never happens.
when we do “vacate” it means we are visiting family, hauling days worth of unnecessary baby needs, and throwing away more money than we currently have to eat more food than we currently need….etc.

a few weeks ago, some of my very favorite family friends
{whom I refer to as uncle tom as his lovely assistant gale}
came to see me. their daughter is a pilot so they fly free, and when i said i needed her too, she hopped on a flight and joined us! it was a wonderful, yet painfully abrupt weekend of lots of laughing and stories and catching up. the kind that is just not doable over the phone or in texts…. since that’s all anyone does these days..

to my chagrin, this mini- staycation remains undocumented. {fail}

this weekend, a college friend who lives up north quite a-ways was passing through and made time to stop in and stay the night. we stayed up all night talking, mostly hysterically laughing,
and reliving lots of our college days. after all, that was the time of my life…

i love this landon and her fun man. i miss my college peeps oh so much.
these two just spent a week on a cruise. i want to go to there. soon.
but i have to say, staying in and getting to see friends is pretty fantastical.

it also helped that cc didn’t have to work on saturday for the first time in weeks {that’s always a nice surprise}. so nice to have a break from the daily grind and play with my roommate of choice.

reasons why staycations are awesome:

1- i don’t have to pack.

2- i don’t have to drive anywhere.

3- i can eat healthy-ish and we can stay in sometimes to make meals vs. eating out every meal because you aren’t at home…

4- my child usually sleeps and eats as usual. every time we vacate, we end up paying for it for the next 2 weeks. 

5- i have my tiVo with me. this may sound intense. but one of our pasttimes when friends come over, is to see what they watch and hook em on something new. but don’t worry, we don’t spend all week forcing them to love our shows, it doesn’t usually take that long anyway…

6- when its over, i don’t have to repack and drive back to real life. it IS real life. and that makes it that much better.

thanks friends. lets pull a repeat staycation again soon!!