this morning i woke up to
toys and books scattered haphazardly all over the floor,
chairs filled with clean laundry,
tables cluttered with projects and things,
a kitchen full of rotting dishes.

i wish i were exaggerating.
lets just say yesterday was a mom day from hell.

i knew it wasn’t going to be good when it started with blood on the crib sheets.

i was actually quite productive yesterday.
i got quite a bit done business-wise…
but otherwise, it was hell.

so i run into the timeless blogger’s dilemma:
what do i say?

i couldn’t say just that i was happy with my productivity and look at the one thing i did because i need the validation, because i am still so mad at the rest of the day.

and i couldn’t say look what my kid can do now, cause its kind of making me pull hair out.

and i couldn’t really say the entire day was a waste either….so…

here’s what i learned yesterday:

– if my baby wakes up at 3 in the morning there is an 80 percent chance
he will just go back to sleep. otherwise, there is probably blood somewhere.

trips to USPS are just plain inconvenient for babies.
and apparently unhelpful for dudes that work there.

brown paper packaging will always give me a brief cause to smile in the day.

fedex is far more convenient for everyone involved.
yet they will charge me my first born in exchange.
one that i usually would like to keep…

– sick babies with sore mouths are unnecessarily melodramatic.

– so are crawling babies that think they are 2 year olds…
climbing, biting, hair-pulling, and serious tantrums…

– having leftovers on monday night should be mandatory.

– i will never be able sweep or vacuum enough.

choking is almost always going to incite tears from more than one.

dads are for holding screaming babies and weeping moms and
rubbing feet when destructoboy finally retires.

– i shouldn’t try to nurse a baby with that much pent-up frustration….
i am surprised i still have boobs.

oh, excuse me, i have to go, 
the banshee is screeching for his mom again….