welcome to foto friday!

i have invited a few of my friends {fellow amateur fotogs} on a 52-week foto frenzy. we have been hashing out the details for a few weeks, so i am really excited to get started!

this foto-challenge thing isn’t new. you can look em up. there are plenty. but i noticed that mostly real fotogs were doing them, and i thought it would be fun for us moms + DSLRs to have an “assignment” each week. it sort of feels like a big group school project and i love that. i totally miss school….

each week we will link to each other so you can see all of the fotos.
be sure to follow the links under each foto to the next blog so you can see the brilliance of my friends.
{it isn’t going to take you all day or anything}
and let them know what you think!  we are, after all, here to learn!

“morning” self-portrait

i am not a big fan of self-portraits, mostly cause that means a picture….of just me.  
~ a low f-stop, by the window, at 6:30am when it is too foggy to see 50 feet outside…
i love how my hair looks different colors in both. makes me want to go dark again. right now.
now head over to hilary of lil mO hAha
and see what brilliance she cooked up this week!
here is our theme list for all 52 weeks
{so you can follow along}:

{all designs created by rosemary}