i feel a little like we are in the middle, and close to the end.
but not the beginning.

that is coming up soon.

so this week as i thought about beginnings i thought of how it has been almost a year since the huge beginning at the clifford home. all the new feelings that came with being a mom and holding a new human. and long quiet nursing time to just sit and stare and wonder what colors he dreams in…

just before christmas i held this little guy in-between shots and thought immediately that i wished i was pregnant…

that thought vanished just as quickly as it came on.
i finally fit into real jeans, folks.
not giving that up any time soon…

and though its not the beginning for his parents,
its all new to him.

…so is shooting newborns {for me}.
i was asked a year an a half ago to shoot a newborn
and ultimately declined out of fear of failure.

its a different ballgame and definitely takes more prep and planning.
so i guess its a beginning for me to as someone who likes to take photos.

Liam, meet The World.
World, meet Liam.

go see my other faves from the shoot here and let me know what you think!

then go see what’s new
happy foto-ing
and happy friday!

used {for those who want to know}:

black bean bag
black velvety fabric
window light
microwavable heating pad
umpteen baskets
radio flyer wagon {doll size}
a textured off-white blanket
{or $14 worth of fabric from joanns}
lots of cute crocheted things the mom made
cherry wood slats {home depot $24!}
back drop stand made by my hot husband 
{lots of black pvc and math}
black vinyl backdrop {$20-ish amazon}
nikon D7000
18-105 lens
occasional flash off the ceiling