One of the most inspiring bloggers I have met on my journey in the blog world is Jen from Carlsbad Cravings. Her blog itself is incredible, but when you meet the woman behind it, you see why.

I met Jen through another one of my favorite blog/real life friends. She wanted to meet up with her when she was here visiting, so we did, and I was instantly girl-crushing on her. Something about the twinkle in her eye had me asking all kinds of questions. Why is she so so happy, and so so kind? It’s sad that kindness and genuine personalities are so hard to come by, but they are. After she left lunch, my friend and I sat there, just beaming after such a fun and lively conversation with her. Mostly about blogging, and how fast she’s grown, and that she makes a great living at it…etc. Her blog is huge, reaching over 1.3 million monthly views. She’s one of the stats I quote to friends who ask if people really can make a living at this. She most definitely is. And get this: she started 19 months ago!

I listened as my food blogger friends talked shop, and ate my pizza, jumping in here and there. They talked about Jen’sΒ transplants a bit and a little about cystic fibrosis. I admit, at the time, I didn’t even know what CF was.

Sarah, Jen, and I

Sarah, Jen, and I

My Heroes Ask Wallflowers to Dance | Jen SattleyI called Jen up and asked if we could come and interview her, and before we met up, I bought her book. I read it in 2 sittings. And I wept, big ugly sad and happy and sad tears on every page.

I still can’t believe it. The pages turnedΒ so fast that I didn’t feel like I was reading. Admittedly, it has been a very long time since I read a story so captivating to me. I felt ashamed for any moment I had spent feeling sorry for myself and my trials, stresses, or worries.Β I don’t think I really understood what loss was, or what it even meant to be truly grateful for life.See, Jen grew up with cystic fibrosis, along with 2 of her 5 siblings who also had the disease. Her older brother Justin died at 19 to the disease, and Jen nearly did too a year later, but had a life-saving lung transplant that extended her life. The minute you meet Jen, you can tell that there is a story there. There has to be something that happens in your life that causes you to see heaven on earth and look forward knowing that your life may end at any time. She’s right, it really isn’t any different for any of us, because no one knows when the end is, it’s just that she has to look it square in the eye and admit that she’s going to make something of it. She doesn’t waste time in negative thoughts or conversation, she builds others up, she is humble, and she genuinely cares for the people around her.

Her book My Heroes Ask Wallflowers to DanceΒ is probably the most significant and life-changing I’ve read {next to the scriptures}. The minute I finished it, I put it down and prayed for God to give me the strength toΒ help me to see life through her eyes: to be grateful, to be kind, to cherish the life I have. I just want to beΒ more like Jen.



jen sattley quote

Jen is an amazing blogger, but she’s an even more amazing human. So her video shares a little of both: how she succeeds in the blog world, AND about how she takes on life.

Watch the #ColorMeGirlBoss interview below:

Please help spread Jen’s story by sharing this any way you can. Hers is one of hope and love and happiness and we can all take something from that.

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