if it were normal to scrapbook your first year of marriedness,
as an “our first” book…

this would be a page:

road trip #1:
san diego/labor day

we drove up to the la area on friday
and got to play with these peeps:

cute jen that i work with regularly by phone.
it was like meeting your best friend pen pal

it was way fun to see them all,
and jen totally reminds me of amelia [johnson]
part of why i heart her.

we spent the rest of the day where apparently no one else wanted to:
6 flags!

hot. muggy. but empty.

on Monday we went here.
i loved every minute of this.

and then here…
be jealous. go ahead…

and for the fourth time in 3 days….

it was just what we needed…
but not long enough.