thank you so much to whichever brother complained about the
matching sleep-pants
(even though i KNOW you all wear them all the time!),

this years theme was “plaid tidings

i will narrate in brief:

only real scottish men know how to sport them the best,

neighbor/friend/designer dudes know how to make them the best,

apparently plaid is a huge turn-on…go fig.

all night as we finished our homemade gifts,
we watched santa online visit the world…
apparently he came to our house!

before we crack em, we do the breakfast thing with G-MA
beautifully traditionally perfect as usual.

our christmas was homemade
which made some of those involved cringe at first….
but look what came of it!

yeah- my BROTHER made all of this:

cute sister-in-law made this:
(don’t ever say you aren’t crafty again…)

3 scots at work…

i made kennabug these cute flowers that attach to a crocheted headband…
and yes, i just might be selling them soon on my shop.
(of course, the idea was inspired by this cute crafter)

expect a cheesy card after christmas, with this foto in it:

not this one

dad in a kilt: awesome.
dad posing as a scottish dancer, in a kilt: priceless.

after we could change in to semi-normal attire,
we caroled/rocked out to a few of our favorite humans in the neighborhood…

which means sneaking in to this most adorably decor-laden home
to tag bill‘s ears with some more holiday cheer

sorry steph—couldn’t help it…
i swear we didn’t take anything though…

all the sisters (& inlaw ones) got sewing machines
(i already had one) that came with a free sewing class on the 26th with Peg!

homemade christmas:
just as sappy, with less tears.

way too much time…
that could have been spent playing and laughing at nothing with those crazies i get to be stuck with forever…

…good thing we still know what it’s all about…

a note on the homemade factor:

apparently the neighbors got the hint too…
this has been the best treat year ever with about 5 containers of yummy salsa and apples with dip and homemade bread and jam…
way less on the cookie/sugary naughties this year- it’s been great!

oh, and dear rich, lo, jace, and cam…
i don’t like having christmas without you…
lets not do that again, shall we?

hope you all had a lovely christmas too!