easy homemade spaghetti sauce with zucchini noodles and smoked sausage

We have been going pretty strong on healthier meals these days and I am down 6 lbs since we started! I will say, this is the first time in a while, I have been on a great gym streak, and it feels so good. I forgot what it’s like to have my body feel good. You don’t realize how crappy that crappy food makes you feel until you let it go. And {gasp!}, I haven’t even had a soda in weeks!

After I started my new “lifestyle” and let go of a lot of processed foods {about a month ago, so don’t think I’m going to turn into some preacher here}, I bought a Spiralizer. I have been LOVING it! I make a lot of quick salads with it, using carrots, cucumbers…etc. And toss with some oil and vinegar and I’m out. It’s been great for pasta too. I used to be a pasta-once-a-week type because it was just too easy to throw together. I would often do the “veggie pasta” that is made with veggies and wheat flour, but this is so much better! And zucchini noodles really are delicious. It completely faked out my kids and husband loved it so much that he bought all the ingredients to make it again the next week! And if you grab this spiralizer, that’s super affordable, it comes with an awesome peeler that I use nearly every day too.

easy healthy homemade spaghetti sauce and zucchini noodles with smoked sausage

This meal of course would be made even easier if you wanted to just buy a bottle of low/no sugar pasta sauce and cook up the noodles really quickly. We like it with smoked sausage, but this would be great with other meat too.


easy healthy low carb spaghetti sauce and zucchini noodles with smoked sausage