so, i know you’ve done it. and if you haven’t, someone you know has.
is it really as awful as i’m imagining?

now that my little has slept through the night {almost} consistently now, i’m realizing that putting her in the real crib, which means her real room, is coming up faster than i’d like to admit.
boss went in his own room at about 6 weeks cause he had one.

i know lots of moms who have found ways to make it work,
and lots who tell me it’s better,
i just wonder what you do to make it work well?

i have an active toddler, who is very independent.  must do everything himself.
i’m worried if his roommate decides to have a concert in the night, that he’ll need to play mom. he’s already tried to take her out of a car seat by his little self. horrifying.

the other issue: i know it sounds awful, but we currently have him locked in his room. {not like, he is currently in there and i keep him there, that’s creepy}, but when he goes down, he can’t open the door from the inside. he doesn’t cry or try to get out that often cause he knows it’s locked, but i worry if he is trapped inside with a crying babe…. so i will maybe unlock it when she goes in there….

the other other issue: we live in san diego as young people on a budget. another room is a few years out… so sharing a room, if we want to ever get our room back to ourselves, is a must.
and probably for a while…

tell me, did you do it? what made it easy? {what? it wasn’t easy??}
do you love it or hate it?

i don’t know that i’m ready…

even if i’m not, i’m dreaming up what i could do with this shared room if i really had the space…
i rounded up some ideas of rooms that i really love, even if they are only in my dreams for now…

ideas shared kid rooms decor
none of the images below are mine. you can click through to pin them directly, 
or feel free to pin the image above to save them all.
