wish you could have seen the birthday party thrown for you!
your aunt loretta wanted you to have a party and put together the show!
she even moved her family to az, had christmas and her 10th anniversary…
{and uncle rich} made this way cute invite…

and aunt cam put together this crazy cute banner and wall 
that i wish i could recreate in your room exactly!
{well, i do have the banner, and it will most likely go up in the hospital 
before it makes it up in your room}

all kinds of cute cousins and aunts came…

your g-ma clifford was so excited to be a g-ma,


that she made these fabulous cakes that everyone raved about!!
{and that i shoveled in my face long after the party was gone…}

cliffords/maxons all around to represent

lots of extra out-of-town moffats made an appearance too!
your cute aunt emily 
{who was unfortunately having too much fun in London during the party,}
made this way cute diaper cake that sat on the table and made us all smile,

and what would we do without g-ma moffat and her posse?

and “aunt” alisse’s cute red/turquoise collection….
and your aunt maddi who enjoys being my right hand…

as we giggled over all the bite-sized clothes and itty shoes you will soon fill…

       frannie missed the “boy” memo             g-ma moffat found the fabric that will 
                                                                          become your first quilt…

and your dad even stopped in after his “man date” with all the boys…

cute lindsay and marina from UOP came too!
your clifford aunts couldn’t be more excited to be so…
and the fun part about having a birthday party for you?
i get to see all of my girlfriends too!
you got lots of way cute clothes and toys and gadgets…
thanks, alisse, for taking all the fotos and bringing boston’s girlfriend lucy too!

and thanks to everyone who put this together!
we had a ball and we really appreciate all of the generousness
see, boston, everyone is so excited to meet you!!