this weekend, we drove to AZ to attend my 10 year high school reunion.
driving with 2 is slightly less fun than driving with 1, but we did it.

it was so good to see friends.

usually when i get into town, it’s for a holiday, and since both families are there,
it’s stressful as it is to spend enough time with both. i never get time to just play with friends.

we had some that came into town from utah, and boston, and washington… we were a good crew
in high school and still keep tabs on each other, but haven’t really been able to sit and laugh our guts out into the wee hours of the night like old times… in a long time. i mean, we have all “seen” each other in the interwebs and instagrams and on the facespace. {as my dad calls it.}

friday night we were supposed to go to the football game,
but i would be lying if i didn’t tell you that i was spending hours shopping to find something to wear.
by the end of the night, i finally ate some pride, grabbed the skirt with a number i will not name,
and we headed over to see some friends until 1am… i can’t tell you how fun it was!

saturday morning
was a bit surreal to see some of my friends i hadn’t in a while,
with older, or just lots of kids… it’s crazy.
and i had this stupid plastered grin on the entire day…

high school, did i love it?
well, i didn’t hate it.
i really enjoyed my time there, the people i knew,
the spirit of the place.
would i do it again? obviously not.

which is exactly why this was so much fun.
remembering the good times is always a good practice.

one of my good friends from high school that was, and still is,
the largest fan of high school collected EVERYTHING
from when we were there…
this is the press box from the football stands,
the art door when we were there, and the last newspaper as seniors….
i guess they thought i was funny…
{or just that i could quote lots. i mean lots, of SNL}
and i don’t know where else in the country has as many “inbreeds” as we do.
so many from mesa, marry people from mesa.
{technically, my husband is from a rival…. ahem}
we had about a dozen couples that married within our year at my high school.
so it was fun to see them there.
our cute prom king and queen got married, 
and were some of my faves to talk to that night.
who woulda thought so many would get married? 
not me. 

thanks for the good times, guys.
so worth the drive and the hit to my 
yes-i-am-actually-that-size-now pride
“carry on” mesa.