milk duds

the other night,whilst making our bimonthly trip to costco,we stopped by the formula.knowing that we were going to be out completely by morning,i looked at the price and noticed, to my delight, how much more comes in the containerat almost the same price. a steal, i...

a mother’s first christmas

it would almost be silly to say this is B’s first christmas.he wont remember the fuss we all made to ensureeverything was just right.the stress of packing and the long long drive from here to there.he wont remember how many smiles his little crinkle noseincited...

o tannenbaum

not that i don’t like thanksgiving,but do we have radio stations dedicated to thanksgiving songs? we talk about it all year long?no. on sunday we were in with all of the little kids in the nursery and one of them mentioned christmas and the kids nearly ate...


this morning i woke up totoys and books scattered haphazardly all over the floor,chairs filled with clean laundry,tables cluttered with projects and things,a kitchen full of rotting dishes. i wish i were exaggerating.lets just say yesterday was a mom day from hell.i...

the view from here

it feels so busy,its going by so fast…and then i catch a whiff of my life in the rear-view…i remember talking to my belly in the car as if little man were here and i would imagine moments like this.when he would just smile back at me in the mirror, or...