non-american idols…

i couldn’t wait to hear his experiences and fun behind-the-scenes stories, and i have to admit, i was pleasantly surprised that he spent the hour talking about how blessed he is to have a body and to now be better capable to serve the Lord. this is one inspiring...

new calling in life: as i was getting to know my new crew, amid the crazy name game,i would ask them a question that they all answered so i could get to know them…one was simply:what would be your all-time favoritist candy in the whole wide world?ryan (cute little...

2009 just might be fine.

remember these goals from last year?lets see how i did:(gee, it’s good have someone to report to!)• graduate. check.• run a marathon (right…)• direct a show. check and check. (i know, i got nothin on landon and dave ;)• move out of Utah. check.• read the...


in no particular order……fall leaves……swings……words of inspiration…”This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and...

i am the choir director

which means i am in charge of the christmas program.this ward is pretty conservative. they don’t want anything but the traditional, recognizably christmas stuff so that all the non lds-ers can come and “feel safe” (as if our non-caroling music would...