mom moments…

mom: did you run today?me: yeah, but i could only really make it like a mile…. then my ovary was going to pop out…peg: i went running too and then i felt like my… wait, i have no ovaries….me: really? they took those too?peg: yeah- duh....

she’s only one…

and already having second thoughts about being here…kennabug, its a rough life, the one you live…”hey guys… i am a little concerned with something…””i think someone should call PETA…”good birthdays have lots of...


for a while there, we were not all that sure we would be able to claim we graduated… except that i have proof…it finally posted and we (donelle & i) both have degrees!!…seconds after we declared this, peg walked in with celebratory...

2009 just might be fine.

remember these goals from last year?lets see how i did:(gee, it’s good have someone to report to!)• graduate. check.• run a marathon (right…)• direct a show. check and check. (i know, i got nothin on landon and dave ;)• move out of Utah. check.• read the...