a happy thought- giveaway!!

you need something to smile about….i know how it goes…here: a free giveaway.put this here button on your blog and pass it along!yeah- that’s the cutest home-made apron you’ve ever seen…. you were thinking correctly…and i know you...

Virginia is for lovers?

oh really? i have qualms with that statement: #1 – what makes YOU the expert on the matter… huh? huh? i guess i am not really sure who would even know enough about virginia to think that all lovers would love virginia…?or even that love happens here...

a little pinch of history and patriotism

a few weekends ago, we went as a group of student teachers with our coordinator to Mt. Vernon. i have been before, but it was really a great experience to hear more of the tidbits of history and delve into a man’s life that i have not really studied as in-depth...