today was eventful.
i was so nervous this morning, 
i could hardly eat, but managed to get down a full meal.
i think i peed about 4 times in the hour before the appointment.
this was a big deal.
i have dreamt it up for months.
always the same in my mind….
i guess i didn’t expect to be this emotional about it.
 we have talked about “him” coming for a while, 
but nothing could have prepared me
for seeing the little bean and his proof of gender
and knowing that my hunch was not just a hunch.

yes, yes that is my proud BOY!
[and yes i know the rest of him isn’t that identifiable…]
they gave me a dvd, but no images- 
i will see what i can do about that…

i am glad it was dark in there
cause i did have a few tears.
 the little guy was moving like crazy and hard to catch,
but we saw his little face and hands. 
the ultrasound even showed the blood-flow and all the tiny organs.
 i am so glad to know he is healthy and happy and on his way for reals.
i felt that it was a boy, and we needed a boy.
see, cc is the only boy in his family,
and his dad is the only boy in his.
we were the last hope for a name.
i know i am a few days early, 
 but i thought it was incredibly
and appropriate:
my baby is a banana!!
hey mom, guess what?

we are all just as happy as the little guy

oh boy oh boy!
and to celebrate,
we went prego-clothes shopping…..
and may have done some baby clothes window shopping.