so here i will divulge that to be “artsy” in some places (say in the west…) has been a positive thing…

when you are in the nation’s capital though, where everyone and their matching prada dogs work for the government, go to (or just finished) law school/medical school… the girls are all accountants or also could work in the white house or a government agency and/or are doctors or consultants of something… nuts.

so imagine lowly me at a party with these types:

much cooler person: so, what are you doing out here?
me: uh…. student teaching.
increasingly cooler person: ….oh. what grade?
me: high school actually…
only slightly more interested person: what subject?
me: theatre actually.
blank facer: oh. interesting. (blank stare… and walk away)

i get it, people. you don’t “do” the artsy types out here. you also don’t “do” people with my education level on foreign policy… or any policy for that matter.

so after church yesterday, we were making our rounds, inviting new people to our place for crepe night– cause that is just what i do when in a new location in my “i am a belmont girl and i know it” penthouse apartment, and a new friend, we’ll call him “matt” asked me the same afore mentioned question. the second i said the word “theatre” he transformed to a giddy school girl and told me my “cool points” just shot through the roof! wow. i love this place!

but mostly i get myself into various conversations that leave me with a similar ashy stare because i have no clue what goes on at the white house, or in economics, or anything medical or law… i am interested though, but i know i look like a moron to them.

alas, come, we shall break crepes together and be friends.

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i will say, in my lack-of-huge-opinion state on politics…

i have sort of a political chick crush on the Palin
hope that is ok. i have been a sedentary political footstool for some time, trying to find out as much as i can about these guys, and i find i don’t love any of them enough to feel seriously passionate about one in particular. if i vote at this point it would be for the one i dislike the least– which isn’t all that positive. i will say, that if anything good comes out of the Mccain campaign, we can largely if not solely attribute it to this one right here:

way to be a sassy all-american woman that we all can smile about for the time being…