truth is,
moving is crazytown.

moving with an {almost 1year old} who woke up yesterday and decided to walk?!
extremely crazy.

moving with an almost 1-yr-old who wok up yesterday and decided to walk and getting invited last minute to participate in a crazy fun event in a week? just before we will have lots of company for said 1-yr-old??

for those of you who will be in San Diego, or even if you wont,

next week, I will be selling these cuties…

at this event…

and since we left our keys with our new rad friends to go be with our family for some much needed comfort all around this weekend after grandpa’s passing,

we came back to a home completely clean, organized, and ready for a couch and some company. i would be lying if i told you i didn’t cry and then promptly sleep like a baby because most of my stress disappeared.

in a week with so much going on,
i count myself truly blessed to have such fantastic friends here!

more fun things to come!

ps: i have about 20 free tickets to said event. $50 {$20 pre-sale}
If you want them, send me an email for more info @!